They got that right: Orange is the New Black.

Here at Orange Studio, we are creative and forward thinkers. We deeply believe in diverse thinking. We get technology and use it well. We specialize in creative business solutions with a known competence in visual storytelling. We work with you to embrace the present challenge and anticipate what’s around the corner.

In a complex, ever-changing and tumultuous market environment, cutting through the noise is daunting: technology is morphing fast; your customers have more information about everything than ever; the need for speed is greater and the necessity to transcend cultural and geographical boundaries gets more amplified by the day.

Where do we start?

We believe it’s about getting your core strength out and known to your market.  We will work together with you to engage your customers better, develop better ways to turn them into fans of your brand and advocates for your products. We can discuss under-tapped market segments and how we can enter it creatively.

We help you build a story, a good one, inspired by what your business does best and what makes you unique. We humans love a good story. All those fantastic communicational tools invented throughout our history (and still popping up with no ends in insight) serve one purpose – to communicate, artfully and efficiently.  Based on this understanding, we don’t get bogged down by the means. We focus on your narrative. And make sure it has substance and is enjoyable.

Social media, SEO, augmented reality, brand integrity, CPM, CRM, video marketing, gamification…all these marketing and media buzz words are important but only do they mean something when your story is ready to go.

We pride ourselves on our ability to extrapolate amazing stories out of your organization, and turning them into various attractive forms of content for consumption. Beautiful video clips, interactive games, stunning motion or still graphics, or short documentaries, in different languages or cultural settings. But again, they are secondary to you have to say. They are the cart. Your story is the horse.

In addition to a decade long of effective and engaging creative work, our other recognized strength lies in the Chinese Diaspora in the English-speaking markets and the Greater China Region (Maindland, HK & Taiwan): how to grow your business in your backyard by tapping into the often under-explored Chinese-American, Chinese-Canadian, British-Chinese segments? how to speak to the Greater China market and populace? what are the common mis-perceptions of China and how an organization can see beyond them and rectify its course of action as such? How does an organization reach its goals there?  What are the huddles and how to jump through hoops, pragmatically, culturally and creatively?  This area of expertise is what makes us stand out. Most crucially, we can articulate complex cultural nuances and provide contextual insights to our partners and arm them with perspicacity and clarity to help them win.

K, nuff preaching. Drop us a line so we can get cracking on the juicy bit. You’ll be wowed.

这是一个超地域, 跨文化的时代.  我们一直生活在一个胜者为王的社会, 这一标准放诸四海而皆准. 作为来自华语世界的媒体广告资深从业人, 我们对西方市场及文化有着深厚的认知, 二十多年的经验, 目睹互联网, 数码和移动平台给我们行业带来的冲击和机会. 和我们合作, 您可以背靠大中华地区的市场和资源, 开始在北美和欧洲大展拳脚, 用文化定位精准, 渠道畅顺的方式开拓新天地, 打造有个性, 有内蕴的, 真正的跨国界品牌.